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Methods & Materials

Here's the Step by Step Procedure for this Study

1) Epoxy casts of canine teeth samples excavated from the Himeran Necropolis are examined under a Leica dissecting microscope and photographs are taken of the perikymata using Leica software.


2) An x-y micro-manipulator is used to examine the entirety of the tooth and its perikymata under the dissecting microscope


3) Measurements are taken of the individual perikymata on the Leica software and entered into an Excel spreadsheet.


4) The data from each tooth is then analyzed in excel to identify the number of LEH and the age at which the first defect occurred.


5) Chi-squared and t-test analysis is performed to determine if any significant correlation exists between LEH and set variables (age, sex, burial style and necropolis). 


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