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There is no difference between the percentage of a cappuccina graves and simple pit burials who had at least one LEH (𝜒2= 0.03; p=0.862), or the total number of LEH that each individual had during their lifetimes (t=0.95; p=0.35) 

Simple pit burials only had a 2% higher LEH prevalence, but a cappuccina graves had a higher average number of LEH per individual (see Figure 1).

There is no difference between the percentage of males and females who had at least one LEH (𝜒2=0.26; p=0.61), or the total number of LEH males and females had during their lifetimes (t=0.94; p=0.37)

 Male individuals had a 12% higher LEH prevalence than females, and females had a higher average number of LEH per individual (see Figures 2)

There is no difference between the number of LEH that individuals buried in the East and West necropoleis had during their lifetimes (t=1.10; p=0.28)

The sample size for the East necropolis was too small to examine differences in the prevalence of LEH between necropoleis; however, individuals buried in the East necropolis had more LEH per individual (see Figure 3).


There is no difference between the percentage of adults and subadults who had at least one LEH (𝜒2=0.55; p=0.46), or the total number of LEH that each individual had during their lifetimes (t=0.60; p=0.55)

Subadults had a 16% higher LEH prevalence and higher average number of LEH per individual than adults (see Figure 4).  

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Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

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